

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 7 years, 2 months ago

You are viewing an EVO Moderator Training page from an earlier session. 

To view the current session pages, please browse using the sidebar.



Join us live and help us wrap-up with

A celebration of EVO2017 moderator voices

on Sunday 13th November 2016 at 14:00 GMT


The meeting will be streamed as before, and the recording will remain available here after the event,

Streamed live as Learning2gether Episode 351 http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether 

from the Webheads Blackboard Collaborate room here http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/ 


About this event 

On Sunday, November 13th, 2016, join us at 1400 UTC for a chat in Bb Collaborate to share our experiences with this year's round of EVO Moderator acculturation, show off our session spaces, and talk about what we do now.


To interact with us live in the event venue, come here

Blackboard Collaborate (Elluminate) 



All sessions held in the Webheads virtual office are by definition open ones, so all are welcome to attend.






Can't reach Bb Collaborate? Have to miss it? 


You can join live at http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/ or catch the stream here.

After the event, you can replay the stream recording here.



Chat with us in real time at http://chatwing.com/vancestev and we'll try to help you

If you're listening in the stream you can interact with others in the session here.

Log in with Twitter or Facebook or Google, or create an acct at Chatwing to use this.


All recordings, e.g., YouTube from stream and from Elluminate (BbC) and mp3 plus chatwing and BbC text transcripts are archived here

and at http://Learning2gether.net

and you can also find these events indexed in the  the L2g direct link index 



Google+ Hangout on Air now functions through http://youtube.com/live, as of September 2016,

Coordinators are working to adapt to the new ecosystem.

Let us know if you wish to know more about streaming through YouTube/Live,

Here are the instructions if it's your first time there: 


Blackboard Collaborate can only be opened on a machine which has the BbC launcher installed in its programme files, so you must first download and install the Blackboard Collaborate launcher as explained here:

using Firefox

Using Chrome

using Safari on a Mac (careful - the downloader file is different for Macs)

Here is a set of crowd-sourced tutorials if all else fails



Then, with the BbC launcher installed on your machine 

  • Visit http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/ and follow instructions at the TECH CHECK tab.
  • You will see that BbC downloads a tiny meeting.collab file, in the same way it does every time you actually join a meeting.
  • Double click on this file to open the room,  be patient and say OK to all the warnings it gives you - because it is OK :-)
  • You've done your tech check and all's OK ?

Then at the time of the meeting just put in your name and click "enter now", once again opening the (new each time)  "meeting.collab" file to enter the room


  1. Report to us if you are unable to connect. We can help. 
    You can leave messages in the chatwing chat below (http://chatwing.com/vancestev)

It is also possible (and sometimes easier) to join the meeting from a mobile device - check out "using a mobile device" here 


For the benefit of moderators wishing to use the LearningTimes Bb Collaborate Webheads Virtual Office graciously provided for the past decade as a grant to Webheads in Action by the good folks at LearningTimes, http://learningtimes.com .... 


Vance has prepared the following slides (since expanded over what was shown in the Bb Collaborate session) showing how to reserve the room, how to enter the room as a session moderator, how to record the session and make sure the recording is saved on the Elluminate servers, and finally how to find the recording and extract its share link.




We hope to model for you in this demonstration one way you might conduct your own live sessions.




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