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last edited
by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 7 years, 3 months ago
Week 2: Syllabus and Online Spaces
(Oct. 29 - Nov. 5, 2017)
Discussion leaders: Nellie Deutsch, Marijana Smolčec, Sanja Božinović
Objectives of the Week
By the end of week 2, you will have…
- filled out and refined your session syllabus following the suggestions provided
- selected (or begun considering) the online platforms and tools to be used in your session
- created your session logo
- reflected on aspects and potential problems of online moderation and posted your reflections in the Google Plus Community
- commented on others’ reflections in the Google Plus Community
- gotten feedback and suggestions from other moderators and the coordinators
On Sunday, October 29, there will be a live meeting to discuss the content of the week. A recording will be posted for the convenience of those who cannot attend the meeting in real time.
Task 1: Syllabus
A. This week, you will start filling in and refining your session syllabus, following the suggestions provided by the Coordination Team. Be sure to include activities that will help participants collaborate.
Remember the format of the syllabus:

B. Once you have completed your syllabus, please, make the necessary changes to your session page in the EVO2018Proposals wiki.
All the changes to your syllabus should be reflected on this page, from which
we will copy the information to the Call for Participation in December.
Note: You can keep refining your syllabus throughout the training. However, if the syllabus is not ready by December 1, your session will not be posted to the Call for Participation due to go public in early December.
Here are some examples of previous EVO sessions that might help you organize your session syllabus:
Task 2: Online Spaces
It is time now to start selecting the online platforms you will be using in your session, if you have not already done so. You will need two or three platforms:
One to publish the content of your session (syllabus, objectives, weekly activities, readings, tutorials, videos. . .). This space can be a wiki (PBworks, Wikispaces), a blog (Blogger, Wordpress), a Learning Management System (LMS) like Moodle, or an educational website (Edmodo).
Remember that EVO sessions are free for participants, who only need a computer with Internet access (and maybe a headset with a microphone for live meetings). Most of the platforms mentioned here are free to use. If you have access to a paid platform such as Canvas or Adobe Connect, you can choose to use that as long as your participants do not have to pay.
We have tutorials for these spaces in case you are not familiar with them. If you need extra help, you can post your questions to our Google Plus Community, and/or contact your session mentor. Someone else is probably asking themselves the same question.
Note: Some of the spaces suggested above allow for content publication as well as synchronous interaction. Such is the case of Yahoo Groups, Google+, Edmodo, and Moodle. However, some moderators prefer to combine spaces. In our training, for example, we have our content in a wiki, and we carry out the synchronous discussions in a Google Community. We also use different virtual rooms for our synchronous chats (Skype, the Webheads' virtual office on Blackboard Collaborate, WiZIQ, Google Hangouts).
We suggest you follow these steps to select your online spaces:
- Check out our pro-and-con page for Interactive Online Spaces
- Visit several different sites and explore them
- Select the ones you want to use
- Read or watch the tutorials
- Sign up to the site (you will need your email address and a password – remember to write them down; or never write down your passwords, depending on whose advice you follow; or leave yourself encrypted reminders)
- Create your spaces
- Post a comment on your choice of platform(s) in the Google Plus Community (Platforms thread).
- Why you selected them
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How you'll organize them (Where will you have the syllabus? Which platform will you use for the interaction part?)
- What were your main concerns when choosing the platform?
- What are/were your main challenges with the platform?
- Don't forget to mention your session title.
- We strongly suggest that you invite your mentor to your online spaces and give him or her administrator privileges so that he or she can help you when needed.
Note: Remember the Netiquette when writing your messages.
In week 3, we will suggest other web tools to create content for your session (podcasts, video, interactive activities, etc.)
Task 3: Online Moderation
Moderating online courses is always a challenge, and moderating an EVO session is even more challenging because these can be massive sessions with all the characteristics we discussed last week (How EVO differs…).
We would like you to start reflecting on different aspects and potential problems of online moderation that you might encounter in your session and how you would avoid or overcome them.
Task 4: Create your session logo
You also need to create a logo (image) to go with your session. We have created a page with ideas and applications to help you with this task:
You can also get some ideas by looking at the logos from previous EVO sessions:
Your session logo goes after the title.
Live Session
Join us for the Week 2 Live Session:
Where: WizIQ https://www.wiziq.com/online-class/5071200-evo18-moderator-training-week-2
When: .
November 5, 2017 (Check your timezone https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EVO18+Moderator+Training%3A+Week+2&iso=20171105T14&p1=1440&ah=1
Here's more on the live online sessions for EVO18 mod training http://evo-training.pbworks.com/w/page/121204113/Live_Events_Oct-Nov-2017
We have…
- filled out and refined our session syllabus following the suggestions provided.
- made the changes to our page in the EVO2018Proposals wiki
- selected the online platform(s) to be used in our session and created the space(s).
- commented on our choices in the Moderators' Google Plus Community.
- reflected about aspects and potential problems of online moderation and posted our reflections in the Moderators' Google Plus Community
- commented on others’ reflections in the G+C.
- invited our session mentor to the online spaces we created.
- participated in one of the live sessions or listened to the recording.
Additional Recommended Resources
• Test your session syllabus against this rubric: Course Evaluation Rubric
• Does your syllabus reflect appropriate moderator/participant roles? - A Summary of Moderator-Participant Roles (a simple graphic)
• On the Universal Design for Learning: CAST: UDL Guidelines
• View this video by Curt Bonk, keeping in mind that EVO sessions are not classes with students: Building Instructor and Social Presence
o What types of hats do we need to build online presence and help participants feel a sense of "belonging"during our EVO sessions?
o In your opinion, what are the most relevant strategies that Bonk brings up?
o Any other ways you can think of to build online presence and to be there with the group?
•Netiquette for online discussions
•Netiquette and Online Ethics: What Are They?
•What is netiquette?
Readings for experienced EVO Moderators
Read one of the following articles and share your impressions on the most important aspects it brings and how they relate to EVO Moderation:
• Wearing Four Pairs of Shoes: The Roles of E-Learning Facilitators or
• The Role of the Online Instructor/Facilitator
Check out our Twitter tag #evosessions
TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) is a project of the CALL Interest Section
last updated 30 September, 2014, by Nina Liakos
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