

Page history last edited by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 7 years, 2 months ago

EVO training syllabus 


Oct. 22 – Nov. 19, 2017 



The EVO training session is a four-week hands-on workshop to help EVO moderators and co-moderators convert the syllabus they have proposed into interactive online sessions for the Electronic Village Online and to feel confidently prepared for their session. Each session will be assigned a mentor from the Coordination Team to provide guidance and advice as needed and to be offer a participant's-eye view of the session as it develops. 


Goals of the training

In the course of the 4-week training workshop, we expect to


  1. Help moderators understand what EVO is and how it differs from other online courses.
  2. Provide suggestions and tips to help moderators and co-moderators develop and deliver a successful session.


Training Objectives 

By the end of the 4-week training, we expect our moderators and co-moderators to have


  • joined the EVO2018 Moderators Google Plus Community (G+C)
  • actively participated in the discussions in the G+C.
  • identified the features that distinguish the EVO from other online courses
  • revised, refined, and completed their original session syllabus, giving consideration to suggestions from the Coordination Team.
  • considered and discussed various aspects and potential problems of online moderation 
  • created the online spaces to be used in their sessions  for content and interaction, and tentatively scheduled their live meetings. 



Weekly Content 



Warming up


Before the training officially begins, "eager beavers" can


Week 1 

Getting started and joining the community


By the end of this week, we hope you will have

  1. joined the EVO2018 Moderators Google Plus Community (if not already done)  and introduced yourself to the group, using the Introductions thread in the G+C 
  2. completed the pre-training needs assessment survey (if not already done)
  3. read some seminal articles about the EVO  and discussed the differences between the EVO and other online courses
  4. read some definitions of  Netiquette and expressed your opinion about them


On Sunday, Oct 29, 2017, there will be a synchronous session (Blackboard Collaborate streamed to YouTube/Live) to discuss the goals and objectives of the training. Recordings will be posted for the convenience of those who cannot attend the meetings in real time. Access the class here



Week 2 


Building your syllabus and selecting your online platform(s)


By the end of this week, we hope you will have

  1. commented on the main things to consider when setting session objectives.
  2. started refining your syllabus giving consideration to suggestions provided
  3. considered (and ideally, selected) the online spaces to be used in your session to deliver your content and to interact with your participants
  4. considered (and ideally, selected) any other communication tools that you will use to deliver your content during the session 
  5. begun considering various aspects and potential problems of online moderation
  6. posted your questions and comments in the appropriate threads in the G+C


There will be a synchronous session to discuss the content of  week 2, to ask and answer questions, and to look ahead to week 3.


Week 3  


Developing the content


By the end of this week, we hope you will have

  • made substantial progress on your syllabus
  • revised your original proposal in the EVO2018 Proposals wiki to transform it into a ready-for-the-public-eye session page which will be transferred to the public Call for Participation wiki.
  • begun to add content to your online space(s).
  • learned about Certificates of Participation and digital badges options for your session(s)
  • posted your questions and comments in the appropriate threads in the G+C. 


A live session on badges is planned, to share information for those who would like to consider offering badges to their participants.


Week 4 


Getting ready to go live


By the end of this week, in order for your session to go forward, you will have

  • completed your syllabus
  • completed your session page and made your online spaces available for other moderators, co-moderators, and the Coordination Team to review for feedback and celebration
  • visited the session pages and online spaces of several other sessions
  • commented on the sessions you visited in the appropriate threads of the G+C
  • posted your questions and comments in the appropriate threads in the G+C
  • completed a training evaluation survey

We hope you will all attend at least one of the live wrap-up sessions on the weekend to share your impressions and bask in the mutual gratitude celebrations.



Wrapping it all up - Post Training Page


By December 1, we expect that you will have 

  • completed your session page 
  • completed your syllabus
  • completed the EVO2018 Post-Training Evaluation 

Training Session Tools:

  • EVO2018 Moderators Google Plus Community  


  • Moderator Training wiki: (syllabus, tutorials, resources)                            

           You are here


  • Blackboard Collaborate - Webheads Virtual Office at LearningTimes  (live meetings)



  • Google Hangouts on Air - URLs vary and will be posted in our G+C in the Events thread (live meetings)





Important information:

  • Resources for the Training Session are linked directly from the weekly pages or in the Sidebar of this wiki. You are welcome to use any of these materials in your own EVO session.
  • Help files related to Google Plus Communities and Yahoo Groups are found in the Sidebar in their own sections.
  • Only those sessions whose syllabus is complete and online platform(s) created and populated will be included in the Call for Participation in December.
  • We strongly encourage that you stay in touch with your mentor and the EVO2016 Moderators G+C  after the training session and throughout the EVO session. 
  • If you cannot attend any of the live sessions during the training, there will be recordings. Links to the recordings and brief summaries will be posted on the Live Events page in this wiki.
  • If you are here before the official beginning of the training, we invite you to visit our Pre-training page.




EVO is a project of TESOL's CALL IS

last updated 30 June 2014 by  N. Liakos 

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