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Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 6 years, 9 months ago

Here you can find event notices and instructions for connecting to upcoming live events

and recordings of past events



The last live event for EVO2018 Moderator Training Oct-Nov 2017 


Sun Nov 19 1400 UTC final live event in EVO2018 Moderator Training in Hangout on Air


Join us in HoA or in the stream for 

A celebration of EVO2018 moderator and participant voices



Check your timezone for the time where you are here:


You can join the event live in the HoA or you can watch it stream here

To join live if there is space in the hangout use this link




Here is the link to the Google Presentation we will be using today



While watching the stream, come to the chat space below to interact with us,

or if you want to join us live, we'll put the direct link to the HoA when we are ready for you to join us.


Chat with us in real time at http://chatwing.com/vancestev and we'll try to help you


Here is the Chatwing chat space where those in the stream can interact during the session,

Log in with Twitter or Facebook or Google, or create an acct at Chatwing and use this


Links to transcripts from text chats in the YouTube Live, Hangout on Air, and Chatwing spaces



All recordings during Oct-Nov, 2017 for moderator training for EVO2018  will be archived on this page

and for all time at Learning2gether: direct link to index 


Additional information can be found here, http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether 

This and the Learning2gether page above are being maintained by Vance Stevens 



Recordings for previous EVO2018 Moderator Training Oct-Nov 2017


Sunday, Oct 29 1400 UTC 1st live event in EVO2018 Moderator Training


Week 1 meet and greet EVO2017 Moderator Training

Was held in Bb Collaborate (BbC) and streamed on YouTube/live 


Find the archive on Learning2gether here


with embedded YouTube video of the streamed recording and downloadable mp3 for listening on or offline; plus

links to Bb Collaborate recording and to text chats in Bb Collaborate, YouTube video stream, and Chatwing universally accessible chat space


All moderators and participants in the EVO2018 moderator training sessions are welcome to join us in BbC 

We hope to model for you in this demonstration one way you might conduct your own live sessions. 



Where? Blackboard Collaborate


Come to Bb Collaborate directly or watch the stream on YouTube Live

Start here:



Here is the recording




YouTube LIve chat for participants in the stream, and from Chatwing




Sun Nov 5 1400 UTC 2nd live event in EVO2018 Moderator Training in WizIQ


The problem with the stream has been corrected and the post with links to the WizIQ recording, embed of a YouTube version of that, plus WizIQ and Chatwing transcripts, is available at 



Sorry about the stream. There are many balls to juggle with encoding your stream. With Bb Collaborate, I am able to enter the room beforehand and test through using a live setup that I am getting both system sound and mic sound out the other end well before the event starts. With practice you learn that this is what you have to do, but testing reminds you, when you don't get what you expect, that if it's not working, oh yeah, I need my mic input at this end. 


With WizIQ I could not get a live stream at the beginning. There is an option to test system sound, but when I clicked on that, the system took me to WizIQ, had me log on, and in the end, with time ticking away, I was not able to find any means of testing my system sound. If I could have got a sound check I would have seen that my mic was not working, but as it was I could only test that I could select the correct window to stream, and I played system sound as part of the test. So when the WizIQ started at the exact time it was scheduled to go live, there was no more time for testing, and it turned out I had not indeed configured my mic sound for the stream. Too late at that point. Here's what came out the other end, https://youtu.be/cxULW0SPPxE. -  Vance


So unfortunately, people in the stream did not hear anything Vance said, and the recording is of what the stream sounded like. However, the WizIQ recording is fine.



Chat transcripts can be viewed here




WizIQ live online class hosted by Nellie Deutsch

The recording of the live online class on WizIQ is automatically recorded and processed as an MP4 file. You can edit the MP4 file using Screencast-o-matic (free) or Camtasia (paid). I edited the recording (MP4 file) using Camtasia although Screencast-o-matic has more features and is free. 



November 5, 2 PM UTC


Link to enter (no sign up required) https://www.wiziq.com/online-class/5071200-evo18-moderator-training-week-2


In case of problems

  • We we will set up a live stream for you to watch and listen. 
    Find the LIVE stream here: https://www.youtube.com/user/vancestev/ 
  • You can get universally accessible help and interact with us during the session in text chat at http://chatwing.com/vancestev
    We might be able to troubleshoot for some of you and talk you in through communication in the stream and in the text chat.



Sun Nov 12 1400 UTC 3rd live event in EVO2018 Moderator Training in Bb Collaborate


Where? Join us in Blackboard Collaborate


Come to Bb Collaborate directly, http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org

or watch the stream on YouTube Live



Elluminate recording link:



When? (the event has passed)





In case of problems

  • We we will set up a stream for you to watch and listen. 
    Find the LIVE stream here: https://www.youtube.com/user/vancestev/ 
  • You can get help and interact with us during the session in text chat at http://chatwing.com/vancestev
    We might be able to troubleshoot for some of you and talk you in through communication in the stream and in the text chat.



The Chatwing embed uses this code

<iframe width=540 height=540 src="http://chatwing.com/vancestev"></iframe>


What should you do?

Join the room at http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org



This is a good option for holding your own EVO events; 

BbC (Blackboard Collaborate) should be able to accommodate all who try to connect.

So it's worthwhile to try and get it working

Then you can explain to others how you did it (that's what moderators do :-)



In preparation


Install the Blackboard Collaborate plugin and get connected

  1. Visit http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/ 
  2. follow instructions at the TECH CHECK tab
    direct link here http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/tech-check/
  3. At the HOME tab log in and ENTER NOW
  4. Report to us if you are unable to connect. We can help. 
    You can leave messages here on any day, at any time: http://chatwing.com/vancestev 


If you can't open the collab file that should launch the program

  1. right click on the collab file
  2. select open with
  3. and try to open it with the Bb Collaborate exe file


On a PC, the Bb Collaborate exe LAUNCH file can usually be found down this path

C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Blackboard\Blackboard Collaborate Launcher\

Where YourUserName is the user name you use to log on to your computer


For those still having problems with this consult the tutorial here



And especially this video created by EVOMC co-moderator Vance explaining how to brute force your BbC into cooperating with your recalcitrant .collab files




Here is a list of PowerPoint presentations (viewed in the webcasts) for weeks 1-4 and post mod training: 

1. Wrap up of week 1 and lead in into week 2 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1576MAcHXC5_IN5icthIWp4F4SC7xvkbAa6RNJk1Lync/edit?usp=sharing
2. Wrap of week 2 and lead in of week 3 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1opD2bes6Vm3QurHFggHaI1qZ3T0LpguVBVyVV1WMCBw/edit?usp=sharing
3. Wrap up of week 3 and led in of week 4 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_WbIRe3jKxPJZdxpOEW2b_xKJyl-0Y3SObPWmTsCwlE/edit?usp=sharing
4. Wrap up of week 4 and lead in of what’s to come https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eykRln3FF443yP7g2WYJHmY8sA0DgT7FmdaV9QBE89E/edit?usp=sharing
Post mod training https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-CA_deL36yQLuOY7DshS9sqQXPHaqCxfe-_WfgZb_0w/edit?usp=sharing 


(thanks to Dr. Nellie)


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