

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 7 years, 2 months ago

Week 1 (Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2017): Getting Started and Introductions


Discussion leaders:  Nellie Deutsch, Sanja Bozinovic, Vance Stevens



First Live Synchronous Meeting for EVO2017 Moderator Training

On Sunday, October 29, 2017, join us at 1400 UTC for a chat in Bb Collaborate streamed to YouTube/Live

to kick-off the live events series of EVO2018 Moderator Training. 

This is also the 374th episode of Learning2gether, who are hosting this event.


There will be an overview of the training session, and we will chat about why we feel the moderator training is essential for experienced moderators and new moderators alike. Everyone is encouraged to attend and share your ideas and ask your questions.


Have to miss it?

Click here to find the recordings and archive:  



Objectives of the week  

  By the end of the first week, you will have 





Task 1:  

Joining the EVO2018 Moderators Google Plus Community


If you haven't done so already, join our private Google Plus Community

This is our interactive space, where we'll learn from one another, share experiences and get ready to moderate the EVO 2018 sessions. 


In the past, some EVO sessions have used Yahoo!Groups as its platform for discussions.  

If you want to use Yahoo!Groups for your sessions, we have this YAHOO HELP FILES page.


Some of the features we like about G+C include the notification system, which can keep almost all EVO-related posts out of your email inbox; its threaded discussions, the possibility of making "categories" to keep similar threads on one page,  the search feature; and its seamless (sometimes, or changeable, others) integration into other Google products such as Google Hangouts and Gmail. 


We hope you will have a positive experience with G+C in the training session, and we recommend that you consider and explore both Yahoo!Groups and G+C before deciding which platform (one of these two, or another one) to use with your moderating team and with your session participants.



Task 2: 

Needs Assessment


Take the Needs Assessment Survey if you haven't already done so during Pre-Training.)


Task 3:



Let's start by introducing ourselves to our community of coordinators and moderators with a post to the Getting Acquainted thread of our Google Plus Community. Tell us a bit about yourself, your work, and your experience with the EVO, if any. Be sure to include your session title and see what happens if you include a hashtag in front of your session title in your text on the Google+ Community.



Task 4: 



The EVO is different from other online courses. How?  Find out with these two readings:



Post your comments about the readings to our Google + Community Wk1 readings page.


Since we will be communicating online with the other members of the session, we suggest you read this text about Netiquette by Caplan & Hanson-Smith. This is also something you might want to use in your sessions. Feel free to copy and paste to your own site/wiki.


Task 5 Live session

Join us--all are welcome! 



Live meeting:  Week 1 wrap-up and Week 2 Preview in Bb Collaborate, streamed live


On Sunday, Oct 29, 2017 at 14.00 GMT there will be a live meeting to discuss the content of Week 1, preview week 2, and address any questions that you may have so far.


For more information on how to connect to the event,

and in case you miss it, for an archive of the event afterwards, see



EVO2018 moderators please join the 
EVO 2018 Moderators Google+ Community here







I have….





Additional Recommended Reading


Are EVO sessions MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)? Maybe, if by MOOC you are referring to a connectivist MOOC or "cMOOC". Read this comparison of cMOOCs and xMOOCs by Tony Bates.


It's common to fall behind in an online course--all the more so when there is no negative consequence (like a failing grade) to be afraid of. This post gives moderators some strategies to try to bring your straying participants back into the fold.

White, Nancy. (2008). Catch up Strategies for Online Courses




Useful Tips

  • Many people find Google Plus Communities easier to use if they turn off email notifications and just click on the Notifications bell at the top right of the G+C or gmail screen, and even the basic Google search page if you are signed in. 
  • If you opt to use Yahoo!Groups as your interactive space, we recommend that participants be advised to set their notifications to the Daily Digest option. As moderators, you may prefer to receive immediate notification of individual posts, but be aware that if your session is large, your inbox will be flooded with notifications. 
  • Reminder: You can see what past sessions looked like and what platforms and tools were used by following the trail of links at EVO Previous Sessions.



Check out our Twitter tag #evosessions


  Reminder: All our interaction takes place in the EVO2018 Moderators Google Plus Community 













 TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section


   last updated October 27, 2017 by Vance 

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