

Page history last edited by Carolina R. Buitrago 6 years, 5 months ago



Moderator Professional Development: Oct. 21 - Nov. 18, 2018





Proposals for EVO19




Mission of the Electronic Village Online


The goal of the Electronic Village Online (EVO) is to provide free online professional development in a collaborative setting to teachers of English as a second or foreign language. It was created in 2000 as a Special Project by the Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section (CALL-IS) of TESOL and is represented on the Steering Committee of the CALL-IS. True to its beginnings, EVO maintains its volunteer and non-commercial nature, prohibiting advertising and commercial sponsorship. EVO recognizes the contributions of and collaboration with organizations of similar intent, and welcomes and encourages participation and contributions of the IATEFL special interest groups, TESOL and IATEFL affiliates, and other organizations with similar constructive, non-commercial purposes. EVO is open to all participants interested in professional development or groups/teams willing to offer a session, regardless of their affiliation to TESOL, IATEFL or other, whether TESOL or IATEFL members or not. 


Welcome to the EVO 2019 Moderator Professional Development Session



The entire EVO Coordination Team would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our moderators--both those who are new this year and those who are returning, having offered a session once or many times in previous years. We have moderators from around the worldWe on the Coordination Team look forward to learning together with you and preparing an amazing lineup of sessions for EVO2019!


The Moderators PD Session: Oct 21 - Nov 18, 2018


This 4-week training session is designed to prepare you for the best possible experience with online learning and moderating during our five-week session, January 13 - February 17, 2019. Even if you have run an online course before, you will need to adapt to the unique, all-voluntary nature of EVO. Moreover, your active participation in this guided but self-paced training session will help you prepare the website(s) and online materials for your session.  The time you put into the moderator PD session will vary greatly from person to person, but should not be overwhelming for anyone.


  • For descriptions of sessions from 2001-2018, see http://evosessions.pbworks.com/EVO+Previous+Session 
  • To begin, click on the link in the SideBar on the right to access the different parts of the session. We suggest you start with a look at the syllabus; if you are here prior to October 21, we suggest that you get a head start with the Pre-Training tasks. This will decrease the time you will need to spend during Week 1.


  • Please contact any member of the Coordination Team (see below) if you have any difficulties accessing this wiki or our Google Plus Community.

Registration and Session Dates




The EVO2019 Coordination Team



Full Name Email
Nellie Deutsch nellie.muller.deutsch at gmail.com
John Graney john.graney at gmail.com
Martha Ramirez contacto at martharamirez.com.co
Mbarek Akaddar akaddar13 at hotmail.com
Natasa Bozic Grojic lunas994 at gmail.com
José Antônio da Silva joseaokc at yahoo.com
Ayat Tawel ayatawel at gmail.com
Sanja Bozinovic msbozinovic at gmail.com
Christine Bauer-Ramazani cbauer-ramazani at smcvt dot edu
Carolina Rodriguez Buitrago crbuitrago at gmail.com
Vance Stevens vancestev at gmail.com
Sherl McCoy 
n2teaching2 at gmail.com 
Sibel Taskin Simsek sibelsimsek at sabanciuniv.edu
Jane Chien ychien at gmail.com


N.B.: Moderating an EVO session is challenging and time-consuming. We strongly urge you to have at least one co-moderator, if not a team of moderators. 


Call for Participation for EVO19 Sessions



EVO information and Updates



The Electronic Village Online Hashtag is:  #evosessions   


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