Page history
last edited
by John Graney 8 years, 4 months ago

Articles about the Electronic Village Online
Articles about online teaching and learning in general
- Netiquette - (a basic guide to polite online discussion group behavior. We recommend that you ask your participants to read this and take the self-test early in the session. It can also help you justify ejecting a participant who proves to be a problem in your group interactions. Be sure to take the self-test yourself!)
- Comparing xMOOCs and cMOOCs: Philosophy and Practice by Tony Bates (2014) (also available as Variations of MOOC Designs, Chapter 5.3 in Bates' open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, 2015) (The first Massive Open Online Course was offered in 2008 by Downes, Siemens, and Cormier of the University of Manitoba, and Coursera began offering its MOOCs in 2011. Are EVO sessions MOOCs? And if so, what kind of MOOCs are they?)
- Stave Off These Seven Pitfalls of Distance Learning (originally at http://www.astd.org/LC/2000/0400_sheinberg.htm)
- Catch up Strategies in Online Courses (Advice on what to do when you are lost or left behind in e-learning?)
- Adult Learning Theory and Principles (a set of assumptions about how adults learn, written for occupational therapists)
- Five rules that can build effective training objectives and plans by Thomas L. Patterson and Rodney E. Rohde 2011 (can be helpful in planning your syllabus, but don't forget How EVO Differs!)
- The Role of the Online Instructor/Facilitator by Zane L. Berge (updated 2011). (Beware: this article contains quite a few proof-reading errors. Says EVO2016 Moderator Paul Keyworth: "This article may be two decades old, but the breakdown of the moderator's role into pedagogical, social, managerial, and technical responsibilities is still really useful and relevant." )
Articles about engaging participants in online learning
Other resources
Slide Shows
- (a slideshow about EVO 2012, prepared by former Coordination Team member Sandra Rogers)
- Virtual Panel Discussion "EVO's Global Training Camp" - A one-hour recording (video and audio with whiteboard and chat) by a panel of EVO Moderators, talking about their experiences, April 22, 2010. (Requires a quick Adobe Acrobat Connect download.)
- Course Evaluation Rubric (Test your session syllabus against this rubric, but remember that it was written with courses, not EVO sessions, in mind.)
TESOL's Electronic Village Online is a project of CALL Interest Section
last updated 01 December 2014, by E. Hanson-Smith
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