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last edited
by Vance Stevens 7 years, 3 months ago
Tools that EVO uses for synchronous meetings/chat
For video tutorials on other tools we use in EVO, see TUTORIALS
Google+ Hangouts on Air
- Google hangouts are a great way to communicate with fellow moderators to help organize your session -- if you are in compatible time zones. To get started, you may want to explore this wiki, Google Hangouts Guide for Teachers, in depth.
- View this short video (4.5 min.) to learn how to quickly set up a Hangout for audio and video conferencing. You will need a Google+ account (free) and the email addresses of session members to invite.
- Hangouts are limited to only ten active participants, although if you do Hangouts on Air, your hangout will be streamed on your YouTube channel, Google Plus, and/or your website. See Broadcast Yourself: Hangouts on Air for more information.
- Note: When you start a Hangout recording, it immediately generates an embed code. Place this code on your webpage, blog, or wiki, and others can follow your session simultaneously. Rotate followers into Hangout so that everyone who wants to can have a time to speak. See below.
From Vance Steven's description of Hangout:
It's incredibly simple to start, record, and stream a Google+ Hangout. You simply start a hangout, get it set up to your liking, and when ready -- start the recording. The moment you've started the hangout you get embed code. This is the same embed code that allows you to play the video once it's been recorded, the kind you are familiar with for embedding YouTube videos on your blogs and web sites.
With Hangout, while you are recording, the embed code streams the recording. So if you embed it in a website you can invite people to that URL and they will be able to see and hear the event as it is happening. If you then provide some way for them to interact with you in text chat (we use the Etherpad clones) then you have a means of:
- accommodating up to ten in the hangout for live interaction
- accommodating any number of people in the stream with ability to interact with them in synch with the webcast
- finding out who would like to join the hangout and rotate people out who have become non-talking heads so you can bring conversant heads in
See Vance's article for futher details on streaming a Hangout through YouTube:
Stevens, V. (2013) Tweaking Technology: How Communities Meet Online Using Google+ Hangouts On Air with Unlimited Participants. TESL-EJ, November 2013–Volume 17, Number 3. Available http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume17/ej67/ej67int/
- If you have problems with the audio or video breaking up or freezing, try adjusting the bandwidth. See this Google Support page for more information.
our favorite for live audio/video/text chatting has changed locations - please mark the time/date on the Webheads timetable page to book a session; this venue has all the bells and whistles, but may get bogged down if too many Webcams are used. We are inviting all moderators to one or more training sessions with the Elluminate/Blackboard live conferencing facility, provided courtesy of Webheads in Action and LearningTimes.org. You can practice at any time, as long as you schedule on the timetable first.
To Use the Webheads Virtual Office for Video and Audio Chat:
- Be sure to first sign up on the timetable to be sure you are not in conflict with other sessions (first-come, first-served).
- Well before your session try it out at the Webheads Virtual Office.
- Enter your first and last name and your location. This is mainly to make you recognizable to others in the session. This information is not recorded or re-used.
- If you have gone to a training session already, use the blue link at the bottom of the page: Session Moderator Login. This will reveal all the tools in Blackboard Collaborate.
If you are new, use the Enter Now! button.
If you are a co-moderator, you might want to use Enter Now! and the moderator will give you Moderator status from the Tool bar.
5. Always experiment and try things out well BEFORE your session starts. If you run into trouble, exit or close the session, wait 2 minutes, and re-enter. That usually solves most problems.
BlackBoard Collaborate (BbC) has changed (like most things this year!) It now works well on a mobile if you download the collaborate app. which is of course free, both for android, and for iOS. On windows8 or 10 you have to download and install the launcher - which then sits on your machine like an app You have to do this only the first time you go to BbC. With the launcher installed on your machine, each time you enter the room it tells you to "download the meeting" (which sounds strange) In fact, that some sort of applet, plugin or whatever, which is a little 11kB applet which you open with the launcher, previously installed. (that's when you have to wait a little for the room to open on your machine) All of this of course assums that you have installed and allowed whatever java whatsnot they asked for on the way!
Good luck - once you're in it works really well now ;-)

You can pick and choose among various files at Blackboard/Collaborate Demos to get an idea of what the interface does.
NOTE: these demos load very slowly!
For Participants
You may wish to give your participants the link to the YouTube Participant Guide video:
You will find this video very helpful to YOU as a Moderator, too!
text, voice, and video chat, with whiteboard capabilities - teachers may use an Academic Membership for free
->-> WiZiQ has recently introduced new features, so be sure to try out a demo of the new Virtual Classroom and also attend training classes by the trainers to understand the full functionality of all features.
Getting Started in WiZiQ
Making a ppt for WiZiQ
Video tutorial of a live chat on how to use WiZiQ
Video tutorial of how to schedule and conduct a WiZiQ class
Video tutorial: How to share content inside Wiziq
There are also many WiZiQ tutorials in Spanish.
Some problems have been reported in the Getting Started video above, so you may wish to try some of the videos on YouTube. The following seems quite straight-forward and tells you what to expect and what tools within the interface are most useful:
What is a backchannel and why use one?
What happens when something goes wrong in a live audio or video chat?
It's usually a good idea to have a way to communicate with your participants OUTSIDE the chat venue. You can help them adjust their microphones or audio, or stop them from texting inappropriately, or help them find the tools to write on the whiteboard -- without disturbing others in the chat room.
So give everyone the address/location of an alternate communication venue like Skype or Today's Meet so that they can get in touch with you when something goes wrong.
Whatever your platform, you can announce the Event on G+
Creating an Event in Google+
Does G+ still allow us to create events there? Vance, Oct 27, 2017
EVO is a project of TESOL's CALL IS
last updated 12 October 2014, by E. Hanson-Smith
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