A Rubric for Online Course Evaluation (adapted from the California State University, Chico, CA CELT)
Although this rubric was created for tuition-based courses/students (see Rubric for Online Instruction), you might find these criteria valuable in self-assessing your online EVO session before you get started in January. (I wouldn't recommend this type of evaluation for an end-of-session instrument, as it has too much detail.) Some of the items here have been adapted to the EVO setting. (With many thanks to Robert Squires for information he supplied on the Webheads elist.)-- Elizabeth
Category 1:
Learner Support and Resources
A. Information about being an online learner
• Tips for being a successful online learner are available
• Survey for needs assessment of participants (try SurveyMonkey - include the link with your initial email to participants)
• Checklist or links to Yahoo Groups troubleshooting tips, especially for setting mail to daily digest
• Link to Netiquette guidelines - feel free to include a copy in your intial communications with participants
B. Course specific resources
• Course information - who are the instructors, where is the syllabus to be found, etc.--is easily findable, e.g., on the front page of the YG
• Estimated amount of time needed for completing course requirements
C. Resources supporting course content
- Glossary of terms or links to definitions of new vocabulary. (VoyCabulary.com might serve this purpose.)
- If you use a wiki, structure it so the weeks of the syllbus are clearly delineated, with their guest speakers/co-moderators
- Are resources available in all countries? (For example, Flickr may be blocked in Iran or China.)
- Are tools you want to use/demonstrate compatible with all systems--Mac, PC, and Linux? Or can you find comparables?
Category 2:
Online Organization and Design
A. Course navigability and organization
- Are all sites/resources being used easy to find and linked from the syllabus?
- Do participants need to be aware of the need to join/sign in to use a particular resource?
B. Syllabus includes
- Clearly defined program goals
- Learning/performance objectives for each week/module of the syllabus (benchmarks)?
- Participants can readily evaluate their own success in meeting the objectives of the module and ultimately the goal(s) of the session.
C. Aesthetic Design
- Nice logo
- Course content organized by weekly module and/or module with the online tool(s) to be used (helps stragglers catch up or skip a week if need be)
- Model/example/instructions for using tools or online resources are easily available and linked from syllabus
D. Consistency in course
- Review at the end of each module/week is built in (summary by moderator or designated participant; video or blog assignment to be shared, etc.)
- If participants themselves are taking charge of parts of the session, they have a mentor to help.
E. Universal Accessibility
- Main tools/resources are accessible to commonly used operating systems and browers, i.e., both Mac and Windows, Firefox as well as Internet Explorer, etc.
Category 3:
Instructional Design and Delivery
A. Promote interaction and communication
- Meet and greet people as they join; encourage them to put up bios and photos in the YG or wiki
- Set up a Google map where participants can "pin" their locations; link the map to the frontpage of your YG or wiki
- Suggest good (open-ended) questions to explore
- Don't enforce your own ideas at the expense of others'
- Encourage "lurkers" by writing to them outside the group and asking for their participation
- Direct questions specifically to those who have shown an interest or expertise in an area (i.e., by reading their intros)
- Let no question go unanswered -- but don't believe it's the final word
- Make use of live online venues to promote active participation (see LearningTimes Webhead Office, Google Hangouts, or WizIQ for group chats; try Skype for virtual office hours)
- Use the YG CALENDAR function or try Twitter to send reminders
- Designate a course-specific tag for all participants to use on their blogs, wikis, resources, delicious page, etc.
- Use RSS or Furl (email messages) on your wikis and blogs
B. Goals and alignment to learning objectives
- Defined objectives drive the organization of material (see the use of benchmarks suggested above) -- what is the purpose of each activity?
C. Learning objectives and activities are integrated
- Review/summary gives closure to each module/week's activities
- Invite participants to provide the review or summary
- Suggest a shared blog/vlog activity or podcast summation
D. Activities to enhance participation
- Consider using a Multiple Intelligences chart to see if your activities have appealing variety
- Consider using collaborative small group work--assign groups to work on parts of a module or a week's activities -- give them their own wiki page or blog and have them report back to the whole group
- Get participant volunteers (or groups of volunteers) to take charge of parts of the syllabus, e.g., lead a discussion, explore and write directions for the use of a new tool or resource, take the lead in a synchronous discussion, and so on.
E. Activities to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Have participants state personal goals in their self-introductions
- Use a blog or wiki consistently to summarize/archive information (such as chat logs) and links to resources. -- Have volunteers take charge of parts of the archives. (You structure the archive, they provide content, for example.)
- Have participants state what they have learned--or wish they had learned--at the end of the session. -- How will they use their new knowledge and skills in their own teaching?
- Encourage participants to continue collaborating after the session ends. -- Keep your YG open and encourage additions to the archive.
Category 4:
Assessment and Evaluation of Participant Learning
- EVO sessions close with summing up and an evaluation, but you may wish to create your own assessment tool for your own information (see Survey Monkey to create a questionnaire). -- This process takes most of Week 5, so don't plan other new activities during this last week.
Category 5:
Innovative Teaching Technology
- Do you provide links to low-bandwidth alternatives for downloading media?
- Are you trying out some new online tools? (Stretch yourself...)
- Provide new tools, skills, and experiences, but encourage participants to try things out for themselves and bring their questions back to the group, not just to the moderators.
Category 6:
Moderator Use of Participant Feedback
- You might take a poll (Yahoo has a POLL feature) at the beginning of and during the session to see how things are going and what alternative directions might be taken.
- Be willing to change/extend the syllabus if participant interest in an area is very strong. -- This isn't a course with academic credit.
- Do you have strategies at hand to help participants who are behind in the projects/discussions?
- Make use of a f2f venue (e.g., WizIQ, Google Hangouts, BlackBoard Collaborate) to discuss the session regularly on a drop-in basis (virtual online office hours), as well as in regularly scheduled group chats.
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