  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



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Saved by Daf
on October 12, 2007 at 7:46:52 pm

Frequently Asked Questions



What is EVO?


The EVO is a creation of TESOL's CALL Interest Section. In this age of electronic communication it seems a natural way to bring the issues of our profession to the international stage. Our goal is to allow learning anywhere, anytime, with as little expense as possible. Thus EVO moderators and trainers are all volunteers, and participants need only provide their own Internet access to take part in activities. Your contribution as a Moderator is a significant act of volunteerism, and forms an important service to our profession. We on the Coordination Team also hope it will be a valuable professional development experience for you.


What is the EVO Moderator training about?




Why is EVO different?


Read this article




Showing your Photo on the YG members page


How can I get my photo to show up on the Groups Members page?


Use your Yahoo! 360° to put your image on the Groups Members page. If you don't have a 360° page yet, skip to "B" below:


A. You already have a Yahoo! 360° page:

1. Sign in to Yahoo! 360°.

2. Make sure you've uploaded a personal photo. If you haven't

uploaded a photo:

  • Click My Page in the navigation bar.
  • On the left, click Add a Photo.
  • Follow the guidelines to upload a photo.
  • Click Save.

3. Click Settings in the navigation bar.

4. Under "Yahoo! IDentity Display," find the same Yahoo! ID or

profile you use in your Yahoo! Group. Make sure that checkbox is

selected -- associating that profile with Yahoo! 360°. If you don't

associate a profile with Yahoo! 360°, your photo won't show up in

Yahoo! Groups.

5. Choose either:

  • Display me as: (your nickname) or
  • Display me as: (your Yahoo! ID)

6. Click Save.

Your photo will now automatically appear in Yahoo! Groups!

B: If you don't have a Yahoo! 360° page:

1. Go to http://360.yahoo.com to set up a page.

  • Sign in with your Yahoo! ID.
  • Click Get Started.

2. After you create your presence on Yahoo! 360°, upload your


  • Click My Page in the navigation bar.
  • On the left, click Add a Photo.
  • Follow the guidelines to upload a photo.
  • Click Save.

3. Change your identity display to have the photo appear in

Yahoo! Groups.

  • Click Settings in the navigation bar
  • Under Yahoo! IDentity Display, find the same Yahoo! ID or profile you use in your Yahoo! Group. Select that checkbox — associating that profile with Yahoo! 360°.
If you don't associate the profile with Yahoo! 360°, your photo won't appear in Yahoo! Groups.

4. Choose either

  • Display me as: (nickname) or
  • Display me as: (your Yahoo! ID).

5. Click Save

Your photo will now show up in your Yahoo! Group.

Note: Groups currently only supports photos on the Members page. If

you're represented on 360 by an avatar, that won't show up yet. But

we're working on it!

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