Frequently Asked Questions
What is EVO?
The EVO is a creation of TESOL's CALL Interest Section. In this age of electronic communication it seems a natural way to bring the issues of our profession to the international stage. Our goal is to allow learning anywhere, anytime, with as little expense as possible for a global audience. Thus EVO moderators and trainers are all volunteers, and participants need only provide their own Internet access to take part in activities. Your contribution as a Moderator is a significant act of volunteerism, and forms an important service to our profession. We on the Coordination Team also hope it will be a valuable professional development experience for you. Want to know more? Read What is EVO?
What is the EVO Moderator training about?
EVO isn't just a collection of online courses. It is a unique experience in that your "students" are also teachers and peers. And because everything about EVO is volunteer, you will have to treat them a little differently than paying customers. EVO Moderator training thus has two goals: to get you familiar with several free and easy-to-use online tools that will make your course work successfully; and to help you create a warm, hospitable online environment for your participants. The training will help you understand what to expect in a six-week session, give you time to polish up your syllabus, and make you an expert in the tools and techniques that lead to a successful experience for both you and your participants. See How EVO Differs for more details.
Why is EVO different?
Read How EVO Differs. See also the article by Christine Bauer-Ramazani and Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, with input by the EVO Team:
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