
Logo_makers Image_sites

Page history last edited by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 7 years, 2 months ago


Every EVO session needs a logo!



If you still don't have a LoGo  for your session, it is time to start working on it. There are different ways to go about it:


  1. Go to a logo maker site and create your logo using the prompts the site provides
  2. Look for an non-copyrighted image that represents the content of your session, edit it to add the title of your session or any other detail. You can edit your images using
    1. Paint
    2. PowerPoint
    3. Photoshop
    4. PixlR
    5. Canva 
    6. or any other image editor 
  3. If you are Photoshop savvy, you can create your logo from scratch :-)



4 Characteristics of a GREAT logo:


  • Make It.....
      • Unique: simple but not obvious
        •  Adaptable to different media
          •  Appropriate to your target audience
            • Timeless 



Below are sites suggested by group members where you can make a logo or select a copyright free image to use as your logo. Please add any good tools you find for these purposes. And remember, you can always take a picture of a representative object and photoshop it.


NOTE: TESOL has asked that you do not use their logo. It is copyrighted and would imply their direct supervision of your session.







Logo makers


Name Link  Features - observations Samples
Online Logo Maker    http://www.onlinelogomaker.com/
  • Web-based - you need to register for free if you

          want to save the image to your hard disk. You can

          also use a snipping tool to take a screenshot if you

           don't want to register.

  • A lightweight, functional and clean interface;
  • More than a 1 000 of symbols of various categories

            to choose from;

  • The right tools to rotate, resize and transform

            your logo;

  • Logo ready fonts selected by professional


  • Very intuitive and simple
  • The results have a very professional look and feel  
Graphics Spring  http://www.graphicsprings.com

Free??? Logo Maker
"Create a professional logo for free. If you are happy with your logo pay only $39.99 to download the files".

I just made a screenshot of the 2 samples.

It has many logo samples and shapes to play with. I could not get the text editor to work. You cannot upload your own images.

Flaming Text  http://www.flamingtext.com/

Free for personal and academic purposes

It is a word-based logo.

Many different samples to choose from

Can be downloaded

Get HTML code if you register for free  - See sample 1

If you want a more professional look.....

 At the end they give you several logos to select from and then you can edit for a personal touch. When ready you have to buy.  - See sample 2 (I didn't buy)

Sample 1:

Sample 2:

Cool Text  http://cooltext.com/Logos

Free - Just text

can download and get HTML code

Send by email, share in Facebook, Twitter, Google

Very easy

Typo Generator  TypoGenerator.net

Put in the title and logos are generated at random,

mixing fonts, sizes, and colors. Save the image you

like to your desktop, but it takes a little patience to

keep trying


Canva https://www.canva.com    



Word Clouds


Here are links to 9 word cloud makers



WordArt or FontWork


Use the MS Word WordArt tool from the Drawing toolbar, or use the OpenOffice Fontwork Galley 




Re-size, copy, and paste into your graphics program (e.g., Paint, Photoshop, or Graphic Converter), and save as a .jpg image to upload to your page. MS Word & PowerPoint also have a large number of graphics files of everyday objects.





Use your own photo or copyright-free images


Search by generic name (e.g., "zebras") at:







Free Online image editor


PixlR    (very similar to Photoshop but web-based - no download)- Easy to use. Many tutorials online


EasyThumbnails ( to resize images)  - Illustrated Tutorial



Low-cost photoshopping


Graphic Converter (about $40 US) for PC or Mac


MS Paint allows a modest amount of graphics manipulation and is usually loaded free with Windows OS.



Free Graphics Programs



Try a free online graphics program, such as:








Get your own CreativeCommons License


CreativeCommons - Interactive site. Choose the kind of license you want and add to your logos, images, etc.




You can right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) on the EVO logo above to add it to your session pages.



updated 10/15/13 by E. Hanson-Smith




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