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Netiquette (neologism, a portmanteau formed from "Internet etiquette") is a catch-all term for the conventions of politeness recognised on Usenet, in mailing lists, and on other electronic forums such as internet message boards. --from Wikipedia


Review netiquette in 1-2 (or more) of the readings below:

  1. Internet etiquette guidelines for your workplace. (2022). knowledgecity.comhttps://www.knowledgecity.com/blog/2022-internet-etiquette-guidelines-for-your-workplace/ 
  2. Hartney, E. (2022). 10 Basic netiquette rules. Verywellmindhttps://www.verywellmind.com/ten-rules-of-netiquette-22285 
  3. Zoom Virtual Meeting Etiquette [infographic]. (n.d.). GlobalSpex Internet Marketing.  (see image below)
  4. Seven Rules of Netiquette [infographic] (n.d). Technoped.netboard.me 
  5. Adams, R. (2021, Aug. 13). Emoji etiquette: Here’s how you should be using emojis at work. TechRepublichttps://www.techrepublic.com/article/emoji-etiquette-heres-how-you-should-be-using-emojis-at-work/  
  6. Jackson, M. (2021, Dec. 22). How to communicate in the MetaverseMetaverse, Web3, Law and Techhttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-communicate-metaverse-mitch-jackson/  
  7. NUÑES, K. (2020, Dec. 28). 10 rules of etiquette for teaching English online. BridgeUNIVERSEhttps://bridge.edu/tefl/blog/rules-of-etiquette-teaching-english-online/ 
  8. Klassen, T., Hoekje, B., Stevens, S. (2020, Oct. 19). 5 Tips for Improving Your Digital Etiquette. Routledge.com.
  9. Tschabitscher. H. (2020, May 1). How to mind your manners with email etiquette. Lifewire.
  10. The Netiquette Home Page. (n.d.). ("Netiquette" is network etiquette, the do's and don'ts of online communication. It covers both common courtesy online and the informal "rules of the road" of cyberspace). Read the Core Rules of Netiquette.   
  11. Winans, M. D. (2020). Email requests: Politeness evaluations by instructors from diverse language backgrounds. Language Learning & Technology, 24(2), 104–118. https://www.lltjournal.org/item/10125-44728/ 
  12. 10 Tips to Ensure You're Using Good Netiquette. (7/8/2019). UL Online. University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
  13. Villano, M. (2008, September)). Text unto Others . . . As You Would Have Them Text unto You. THE Journal, pp. 47-51. 
  14. Etiquette in Technology (2017). Wikipedia 
  15. 101 Email etiquette tips. (n.d.). NetM@nners.com
  16. Forum and group etiquette. (2020, May 28). NetM@nners.com.
  17. Email how-to's. (2020, Aug. 13). NetM@nners. (select 3) 
  18. Email etiquette quiz (n.d.). NetM@nners.com.
  19. Before you click “Send” email checklist. (2016, June 9; updated 2018, Oct. 11). NetM@nners.



The Dummies Guide to Email List Netiquette


Before you hit SEND, check these 12 golden rules:

(1) Read all unread messages in your inbox, to avoid sending

superfluous messages.


(2) Think before you write. Is your message relevant and appropriate?


(3) Think after you write. Re-read your message. Is it clear, concise

and (again) relevant? Off-topic comments (sometimes flagged OT in

the subject line) may be acceptable in some online communities,

but not in others.


(4) Write properly. Many people will not take you seriously if you write

messages without capitalization or punctuation (i dont like that). Use

abbreviations only if you are sure everyone will understand them

(imho or btw, for example).


(5) Break your writing into paragraphs: screenfuls of text are

off-putting. "White space" separates your ideas, makes it

easier to quote selectively (see #9 below) and encourages

recipients to read your message in full.


(6) If you have nothing to say, say nothing. Unless your fellow users

are very patient, emails that just say "me too", "me neither", "I agree"

or (worse) "I don't know anything about this subject, but ..." are likely

to irritate. Such messages might be better sent as a private email to

the sender (do this by copying and pasting the private party's

address into your mailer).


(7) Give your message a clear subject title. If you read your

messages as a daily digest, try to refer to the subject of the

thread to which you are replying, rather than digest #4203,

as appropriate.


(8) Do not quote lengthy messages or entire digests in

your reply. It is more annoying than you probably realize for

users who read their messages in a daily digest, and it increases

the time and cost of downloads for others. Similarly, a two line

"signature" should suffice -- especially if you are frequent

correspondent (we all know who you are! - and put your profile

into the Yahoo Group site so we do!).


9. Leave the part of the message your are replying to. Otherwise, readers won´t

    know what you are referring to in your message.


10. Post links to the places you are mentioning in your message. Readers will save

   time and most likely will visit the site immediately.


11. Write for the lowest common denominator. Assume your reader

is using telnet across a 12k dial-up modem on a slow 386 or an

Apple II. Don't use html, don't use fancy graphics and colours and

don't assume that links are clickable. Remember that internet

access is expensive in some parts of the world, and many

people pay per minute.


12. Break one of these rules rather than go against your

COMMON SENSE -- the best guide to (n)etiquette ever discovered.


This guide was prepared by Nigel Caplan for EV Online 2003 (with edits and changes by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith; it may be freely distributed, providing this acknowledgement is included).. Readings were updated by Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 2020); infographic below was contributed by Naglaa Salem, 2021.

Zoom Virtual Meeting Etiquette [infographic]. (n.d.). GlobalSpex Internet Marketing.


EVO is a project of TESOL's CALL IS

page last updated 10/24/21 by Ch. Bauer-Ramazani



10 Basic Netiquette Rules

Updated on February 14, 2022

10 Basic Netiquette Rules

Updated on February 14, 2022

10 Basic Netiquette Rules

Updated on February 14, 2022

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