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The World Clock at timeanddate

Page history last edited by ElizabethHS 14 years, 10 months ago


Just a note about GMT and timeanddate.com, our world time-keeper.


We want to get you used to using GMT/UTC (Greenwich Mean Time or Coordinated Universal Time) as the gold standard because your participants will be coming from all over the world. Instead of translating (if it's 7:00 pm in San Francisco, what is it in Dubai?), we just send people to timeanddate.com.


If you register at timeanddate.com, you can set up a Personal World Clock that will tell you quickly what time it is right at that moment in a dozen cities. You can, for instance, put all your friends into a Personal clock  and  know if they are awake when you want to Skype them or meet them synchronously.


You can also use the Meeting Planner at timeanddate.com to arrange a meeting. The Planner lets you input a particular day and then shows you the local times throughout the day in 4 different cities (the Advanced Planner gives more options).


Using the Fixed Time Tool you can also start with your meeting time and see what time that will be elsewhere. It's good for figuring out if you can find an appropriate time to meet.


This is a very handy tool for DL classes, and especially EVO.


So give it a try: timeanddate.com












last updated 11/06/2009  E. Hanson-Smith

  The Electronic Village Online is a project of the CALL Interest Section of TESOL

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