

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 7 years, 3 months ago

You are viewing an EVO Moderator Training page deriving from an earlier session. 

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This page might be reverted to its 2016 state soon.

For the currently maintained EVO2018 Moderator Training taking place in 2017 please see




Week 3 (Nov. 5 - Nov. 11, 2017): Content Development


Discussion leaders: Nellie Deutsch, Marijana Smolcec, Nina Liakos, Natasa Bozic Grojic and Carolina Rodriguez Buitrago


Objectives of the week

By the end of week 3, you will have…

  • completed refining your session page and syllabus in the EVO2018 Proposals wiki with a link at Sessions2018
  • created your content space and added content to it 
  • created your interactive space (if different from the content space) and added your logo, a description of your group, and instructions for how to join your community 
  • considered the pros and cons of certificates of participation and badges 
  • reflected on different aspects and potential problems of online moderation and posted your reflections in the Google Plus Community
  • read and commented on others’ reflections in the Google Plus Community

On Sunday, Nov 12, 20167 there will be a live meeting to discuss the content of the week. See the Week3live page for details. A recording will be posted for the convenience of those who cannot attend the meeting in real time.  




Task 1: Finalizing choice of online spaces

  • If you have not already done so, select and create the online spaces (wiki, Google Plus Community, Yahoo Group, Moodle, or other online space/Learning Management System ) you will use for your session's content and interactive hub(s). Can you explain to others how to use and navigate your space(s)?
  • If you are still searching for platforms you like, try exploring some of the tools listed on former Coordinator Carla Arena's Pinterest Board
  • Enter the links to your session (formerly proposal) page and online spaces in the table at Sessions2018.



Task 2: Adding Content

It is time now to start creating your weekly activities--that is, adding content to your online spaces.


  •  Look at the content you have listed for each week in your syllabus 
  • Remember the general content you should develop for each week: 




  • Write objectives (what the participants should have accomplished by the end of each week)
  • Design activities for the participants to accomplish each of the objectives proposed (remember that activities are the mediators of learning).  Scroll down to the section: “some ideas for week 1


>>>When working on your weekly tasks, we recommend having specific online spaces (e.g., a wiki page, blog page or post, etc-) for each week to contain the activities for that week.
>>> You should also have an online space for participants to interact.



  • Consider any other digital tools you're planning to use in your session to aggregate your resources (see task 3) 


We are all eager to see each other's sites. We can help each other refine the details.

 Invite your mentor to provide feedback!




Task 3: Thinking about Certificates and Badges

Just like last year, the EVO will make available an EVO2018 Certificate of Participation to  sessions that would like to offer certificates to eligible participants. Read up on why we have never offered certificates before and why you might not want to offer them this year on our Certificates of Participation page. With your moderating team, consider whether you want to offer certificates, and if so, how you will determine eligibility. Remember that some EVO sessions have hundreds of participants, and you should to be able to state your eligibility requirements clearly and assess eligibility easily.


Digital badges are becoming popular ways to verify specific skills learned or tasks accomplished. If your team is interested in offering badges in addition to or instead of certificates, read about badges on our Digital Badges page, and attend one of the live sessions on badges (exact dates, times, and venues to be posted here and in our moderators' G+C). 




Jim Buckingham provided us with these  resources in 2014
Learning2gether Episode 244: Tuesday Nov 4 - EVO Moderators LEARNING2GETHER about Jim Buckingham's  initiatives on badges, http://learning2gether.net/2014/11/04/evo-moderators-learning2gether-from-jim-buckinghams-recent-initiatives-on-badges/ ; http://sco.lt/8uCqaf 



And here is a scholarly article on "Building Better Digital Badges: Pairing Completion Logic With Psychological Factors" by Rudy McDaniel (2016) -  http://www.rudymcdaniel.com/cv/papers/2016-bbb.pdf


Task 4: Reflecting

  • Where do you stand in terms of your session page, syllabus, and session content? How much more do you need to do to complete them?
  • Have you identified all the platforms, tools, and social networking sites that you will use? Are all of your team members comfortable using them? Remember: more is not always better. Don't overwhelm participants with tools that you don't really need.
  • Do you foresee any potential problems with your session? How would you deal with them?



Share your thoughts in our Moderators Google Plus Community (Web Tools or Potential Problems threads), and comment on others’ posts.


Task 5: Recordings

Recording: Tue Nov 17 2015 1400 UTC Vance Stevens explains cMOOCs and xMOOCs to EVO moderators training via GEC online conference

Vance Stevens explains how the cMOOC model is relevant to EVO sessions, following on the article by Bates (2014). The talk was directed at EVO moderators but was scheduled as part of the Global Education Conference, Nov 16-19, 2015. To connect, follow this link:






The post at http://learning2gether.net/2015/11/19/the-annual-global-education-conference-why-online-teacher-trainers-should-know-about-cmoocs/ has links to all recordings from the recent 2105 Global Education Conference GEC #globaled15 and highlights the presentation by Vance Stevens on Why Online Teacher Trainers Should Know about cMOOCs. There are YouTube and (downloadable) mp3 embeds of the presentation as well as the link to the Bb Collaborate rendition, the BbC text chat, and Vance's slides.

The talk was followed by a discussion meant for EVO moderators of how MOOCs can inform design of Electronic Village Online #EVOsessions, and you can find there also the BbC recording, link to its text chat, and mp3 rendition as well.


Live Event for Week 3 > 4



Sunday Nov 12, 2017 - time to be announced, in Bb Collaborate as before

Stay tuned here for more information





We have . . .

  • completed our syllabus in the EVO2018 Proposals wiki and linked it to Sessions2018
  • started adding content to our online spaces
  • chosen other web tools to use in the session
  • considered whether or not to make certificates of participation or badges available to our participants
  • reflected on aspects and potential problems of online moderation and shared  our reflections with others in the moderators’ Google Plus Community
  • participated in or listened to a recording of one of the live sessions discussing this week’s content 



Some Ideas for Week 1




In week 1, we should introduce ourselves to our participants and they will also introduce themselves to the group.  These are some ideas you might want to consider for your session:



Things to think about:


  • Do you think any of those activities would work in your EVO session?
  • Which ones might you try in your session?
  • Do you have any other ideas for the first week introductions? 
  • How will the all-volunteer nature of EVO impact your online experience?
  • How can you make a first good impression on participants?


You might want to share your ideas in the Google Plus Community.



Let's Skype!



We use Skype for chat and for back channel communications--in case Collaborate or another medium has problems--or to manage participants "behind closed doors."

Download and install Skype if you don't already have it. (With the free version, you can call only other registered Skype members.)

Be sure to add all of us to your Friends' List in  Skype. *Please identify yourself as EVO, thanks!



Name  Skype ID 
Mbarek Akaddar   mbarek.akaddar  
Nina Liakos 
Vance Stevens 
John Graney j_graney@hotmail.com 
Natasa Bozic Grojic   lunas994@outlook.com
Martha Ramirez  
Ayat Tawel ayat.tawel 
Maria Bossa maria.bossa1 
Sanja Bozinovic msbozinovic
Jose Antonio da Silva joseantoniook 
Nellie Deutsch 
Carolina R. Buitrago crbuitrago17



Suggested Readings






Check out our Twitter tag #evosessions 

   TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section


last updated by Dafne. on Sept. 20, 2013


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