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Editing Email Options - New Yahoo Group - Participants

Page history last edited by Jose Antonio da Silva 11 years ago


One of the most frequent problems in EVO sessions is how to manage emails.


Individuals should select how they want to get their mail (moderators can also set it for them).


1. Go to your Yahoo Group and sign in. You must be signed in to set your email preferences.


2. Select >Membership, the link to the right of the page, next click on > Edit Membership, as pointed to in the picture below:



3. Once you click on Edit Membership, it will allow you to edit your identity and your subscription. 





4. Select your preferred frequency. The best choice for EVO participants is usually >Daily Digest, as suggested below:




>Individual Email will produce a veritable torrent. Another option, >Web Only, may seem attractive, but usually results in never participating in the group. Don't select >Special Notices unless you don't want to participate in the group.



5. Don't forget to >Save Changes at the bottom right of the page before you close the page:






The official Yahoo Group directions for editing email preferences are found here.

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