Have you noticed that if you click on the hashtag in the top right hand corner of a post, it flips the post over to show you items with the same hashtag without leaving the page, like this - :
Google choses this hashtag from the keywords in your post. Thus, if you say "Brazil" it will often chose that word as the hastag for the post, and clicking there will take you to other things about Brazil which have been posted anywhere (public) on Google+
Don't let Google decide !
Impose your hashtag by adding it within the the #EVOtext, like that ! (pretty much in the same way that we write "as +Nina Liakos said", rather than just "as Nina said" ).
And why "within the #EVOtext" and not just "within the #text like that" ?
Because a hashtag has to be "unique" to be useful, #text, will lead to anything with that label, and will not be relevant to the EVO training session.
Thus we can imagine, that when posting to the "Category" Platforms you add #EVOwikispaces, #EVOYG, #EVOedmodo, #EVOpbworks etc, etc, to your post .... It just might be useful :-)
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